Leaving for Japan in erm...a few hours time. :D Still have some stuffs not packed into my luggage. DBSK WON THE BEST BUZZ FROM KOREA AWARD IN THE MTV VMAJ. YAY!!!
Fucking love their 'O' performance. They sang it in Japanese and Korean. &&& this performance is live. The boys are fucking hot especially Jae! =DDD
Chunnie thanked the fans in ENGLISH!!!
5:02 PM
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Oh, my results are horrendous. I guess it's because I didn't put in enough. And yes, I miss my comp loads! Although it's a new hard disk and there's NOTHING in there so it gets kinda boring without my music library. Went to my livejournal. Looked at my F-page and I'm not snagging anything from there. Just no mood? Awww...I miss my DongBang lots.
Just some random videos I watched today.
Fucking hilarious! This really cracked me up.
Young girls dancing with SuJu T in a...erm...whatever!
PWNAGE! Guys in their forties dancing with DongBang to 'O' Jung.Ban.Hap. And god, they can even break dance! LAWL-NESS!
Lazy to resize the videos. Hmm...I wish I won't be such an asap. But I just can't help it!